13 November 2007

answer to laurents mail

hey laurent,
thank you very much for your ideas - did you post them on the block? did you see what we put there and what do you think about it?
i think it would be great to start the concise discussion on this platform and maybe check it everyday or every second so we can get the stone rollin together. andreas and i talked a lot bout the topic, to our professor too and he likes the mother-idea. as well we took very bad pictures already to try and find a way of inscenating them. we think we found something we´re both happy with, we will put some on the block an example of what it might look like when we got the right light and someone whos a better fotograf than us. are you good? oh please please be good! i wrote to sylvia gehlert to ask for her surport, andreas and i will talk to a journalist in the next days to get a professional idea of making an interview.
by the way - i really like your ideas and questions. i was wondering how we could get the pix and the interview together - make sure we dont work on them seperatly and then find, that they developed in different direction, fall apart. i guess we have keep in mind, that the visuel part and the audio part have to creat one work, although they treat different aspects.
oh and we will try to get the light we need and work more concise on our visuel idea - find someone with relatives in berlin, visiting them at home and taking pictures under these unknown surcomstances, so there are no bad surprises when we actually do it in paris. plus our professor wants us to visualize our ideas till the 28.th of november so we got to have something in berlin, as we wont come to paris before.
alright, thanx again, im looking forward to whats gonna happen - your skip adress doesnt work andreas says
and keep us informed. paris was great, looking forward to coming back!
all the best Alex

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